October, 17 2022 at 12:59 pm

Hi Alannah,
Thanks for reaching out. I can definitely understand your worries and your frustration, and it makes sense that you wouldn't want to use fake tattoos in this case. But would you perhaps be able to use makeup instead? Assuming your scars aren't too puffy (and are fully healed), covering them up might be as simple as finding a decent-quality foundation and/or concealer that matches the skin tone where your scars are.
Another option, depending on your work and dress code, might be to wear gloves (regular or fingerless). If you work in a cooler setting (maybe an office where they blast the A/C so it's a bit chilly?), you might get away with simply telling people you have poor circulation in your hands and they get cold easily. (I actually do have this problem, so it's definitely a believable excuse!)
You might also just want to keep yourself armed with some decent excuses in case someone does see them (or in case these options don't work for you and you can't cover them up all the time).
I hope that helps. If you want to talk through this more or have other comments/questions/etc., please feel free to reply here or comment elsewhere on the blog. Take care!